Get out on the road in your used travel trailers and RVs without worrying about “keeping the kids entertained” during the trip! With the recreational vehicle at your disposal traveling with kids just got easier.
Hint, Hint: RV Travel with Kids Should be Fun!
1. Get the right RV. There are a variety of RV models to choose from. Whether you’re headed out on the world’s most well planned road trip or the world’s most last minute decision to try full time RVing, the first decision that will need to be made is what type of RV you’ll be driving when you hit the road.
2. Determine a budget. Almost every discontent “ex” RVer’s malcontent story can be traced back to one thing: the failure to plan a budget. The first budget you’ll need is the budget for your RV purchase (used RVs offer a great deal for those attempting to save some cash). The second budget you’ll need to set down on paper is the one that allows you to estimate how much you have to spend on RV travel each month. In order to do this correctly you will need to accurately estimate maintenance, fuel and RV campground costs, etc.
3. Think of the kids first. Research what’s available and compare that to what you feel might suit your kids. You most likely know them pretty well. What will they enjoy? What will they be unhappy living without? You don’t have to cater to their every whim, but if this is going to be your family’s new “home on the road” you want them to feel at home in the RV.
4. Stay organized. One of the challenges of RV travel with the whole family is keeping things straight. Make streamlined packing and storage your goal. It will maximize the amount of positive time you can spend with your family. Put essential possessions in places where they can stay without packing/unpacking/packing constantly. Organize drawer and cabinet/closet space so that the everyday items are at hand and the items that will be needed less often are placed further back.
5. Customize your space. Don’t be afraid that make changes. This is your RV. Just because someone else might like it a certain way, doesn’t mean that you will. Use the space you have to meet your living needs.
6. Search for knowledge; especially about RV utilities. Know all there is to know about your RV and what services and products you will want to have available on a regular basis. Put plans or processes in place that resolve potential issues related to: postal, phone and financial matters.
7. When traveling with kids always be prepared with knowledge about the “in-network” physicians and pharmacies in areas you are traveling through. It is extremely helpful for those who will need to access health insurance in the case of sickness or emergency to have all the necessary information handy. No one wants to realize after a medical issue has been resolved that they could have saved 2/3 of their money if they had only gone to the pediatrician’s office 2 blocks north of the turn off instead of south.