Pedata RV Center announces more cash purchases of used RVs. Some industry experts suggest that the “tight fist” reaction to the economic downturn has led to an increase in big ticket expenditures from those who have put it off until the health of the economy improved.
But it’s not only big ticket buying that is evident in today’s market. It’s cash purchases. Cash isn’t just for fast food and roadside stands anymore. People in today’s market are swinging more towards cash savings for big ticket purchases over the “credit” option that was so popular in years past.
Gerard Pedata of Pedata RV Center said, “I don’t think anyone is completely turning away from credit. The way our economy and our society is set up really couldn’t allow that but since the major upset that was caused by the recent recession many view their credit opportunities as more of a unavoidable evil than an opportunity to hang onto their cash.”
More big ticket items like used RVs, cars, second homes, pools and other major home additions, etc. are being paid for after cash has been saved up. In years past this was rare. Most consumers paid for big ticket items on credit with the expectation that they would be making payments for a specified amount of time.
Pedata RV Center sells used RVs, travel trailers, fifth wheels, campers, and motor homes. Their full inventory is accessible online and due to their low overhead costs they are able to offer competitive pricing in their industry. Easy access to industry and recreational vehicle information allows consumers to have access to the specific knowledge they need to ensure their purchase results in long term satisfaction.