If you read part one in the RVing Tips for the New Year series you probably already feel more organized, but you haven’t quite succeeded in accomplishing this New Year’s resolution just yet.
Don’t get stuck in a packing rut. Spend some time figuring out the best way to pack your year round items in the RV storage space. Maximizing the room you have by carefully considering the permanent items makes a difference. Simply rearranging can often drastically increase the effectiveness of basic RV storage.
2. Take full advantage of available tools that are particularly suitable for RV life. For instance, if your family is accustomed to watching movies frequently you could consider making it a common RVing activity with an external hard drive for storage of digital copies of the family’s favorites. Many external hard drives are small enough to carry easily in one hand, making them an easy addition to any trip. Many RVers often find themselves relying on the common smart phone. If you haven’t yet, you should consider the benefits of various applications: mapping, entertainment and dining out locating and review, finding the cheapest or nearest gas, routing your trip and more. The list of applications that offer potential benefits to RVers is almost endless. Look into it and find a few that are going to make life easier and more organized for you in 2012.