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Ready to Put the RV for Sale? Try One More Road Trip

Some consumers leap into RVing headfirst. They don’t consider their vacationing style. They ignore their history of travel (or non-travel). The number of vacations taken per year, the typical vacation budget, the average number of participants in any given vacation and the type of vacation location preferred are not taken into consideration prior to purchasing. This can lead to major hang ups down the road. For many, it means putting the poor RV for sale before ever even giving it a chance to succeed.

Experts everywhere will agree that new RVers have to take a step back and think about how RVing is going to work for them if they actually want it to work. Jumping in and driving around like a chicken with its head cut off (ignoring the fact that chickens don’t drive) isn’t going to result in maximum results for the majority of RVers. It’s a rare vacationer that can enjoy this type of complete and utter spontaneity. (The rest of the world would feel as if the rug had been pulled out from under their feet).

RVers who find themselves considering putting their RV for sale for any of the above reasons, any reasons that slightly resemble the above reasons or, actually, for any reason at all should put the brakes on their pessimistic attitude and try one more time. But instead of going off half cocked without a plan, RVers who really want to learn how to maximize a good RV road trip should consider making things easy by accessing tools like: www.OnTheWayApp.com (free) or the Along the Way application (available on many smart phones for $2.99).

Users have tested both sites and both offer a great opportunity to lose the stress of planning without handing the reins over to someone else…or no one else (which means no planning and very small chances for a successful road trip). Both tools allow the RVer to input their departure location and their eventual destination. After choosing the route, the user will then be provided with a list of restaurants, scenic spots, national parks, museums, amusement parks, shopping locations, etc. that are “on the way.” It’s an invaluable tool for those traveling through areas they a have little to no experience in because it allows the RVer to get where they are going while experiencing a lot of additional fun and excitement at a myriad of pit stops along the way. That is what would be called road tripping at its best.

For instance, an RVer leaving Phoenix, Arizona can input their final destination as Topeka, Kansas at www.OnTheWayApp.com. The site then provides a variety of routes to choose from. The user picks the best route for their purposes and the site offers a list (and a map) of the various locations that are “on the way” to their destination. Users can access details, contact information, tips from other users, etc. Once the RVer decides that they would like to visit a particular destination, they simply click to add it to their trip. They are then provided with a final trip outline that they can easily share via popular social media sites with others they would like to be involved in the vacation. It’s all the planning with none of the stress.

For those who typically turn to their smart phone for the answers, there’s the Along the Way application for an affordable $2.99. Simply click “Get Started” and you’re in. It is recommended that users allow the application to use the current location for navigational purposes. It provides a similar service and is just as easy to use.

RVers shouldn’t give up on their “road tripping” dreams too quickly. Putting the RV for sale before providing it with the opportunity to do a road trip the way a road trip was meant to be done is an epic failure that will come back to haunt owners who end up selling too quickly. They will most often come to regret the decision almost as soon as the deal is done. There are a ridiculous number of tools ready and waiting to aid the RVer in planning and executing fantastic vacations, weekend road trips, and quick jaunts to visit Grandma. RVers who ignore their existence are simply putting themselves and their poor RVs at a disadvantage.

Pedata RV works very hard to make sure all the information provided on this website is accurate; however, different products, descriptions, promotion programs and services may change at any time from those listed on this site. All advertised promotional discounted rates and payments can change without notice, and applicants must be accepted by the funding bank, which typically includes, but is not limited to, high scores, debt to income ratio, down payment and loan value. All of our prices listed on this site are subject to change without notice, and do not include tax and other applicable fees. All technical data, product information, program information, photographs and illustrations are intended to be useful information available to Pedata RV at the time of posting, and are subject to change without notice. The RVs on this site may be staged with various props for display purposes only that may not be included with the purchase.

To verify current information, call us toll free at 888-973-3282 or 520-623-6387
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