Pedata RV Center attends more RV and car auctions than in the past several years. The largest RV and car auctions take place all throughout the country. In order to keep a fully stocked, high quality inventory of used RVs (class a, class b, class c, fifth wheel, travel, trailer, etc.) Pedata RV Center and competitive dealers are attending higher numbers of auctions than ever before.
Pedata RV Center approaches auctions looking for certain types of vehicles (class a, class b, class c, fifth wheel, travel, trailer, etc.). Gerard Pedata of Pedata RV Center responded, “One thing we’ve noticed that seems to be a trend running through all the auctions we frequent is that travel trailer prices are going up drastically. Dealers are paying more to keep their travel trailer and fifth wheel inventory stocked. This indicates a big demand for used travel trailers and fifth wheels.”
Auctions Pedata RV Center attends regularly include:
1. Manheim Tucson: once per month (boat/rv)
2. Manheim Southern California: twice per month (rv)
3. Manheim Lakeland Florida: once per month (rv)
4. Manheim Dallas-Ft. Worth: once per month (rv)
5. Spartanburg Auto Auction in Spartanburg, SC: once per month (rv)
6. Adesa Ocala in Ocala, FL: once per month (rv)
7. Premier Auction in Las Vegas, NV: once per month (rv)
Pedata RV Center sees an increase in snowbird business every winter, but has noticed a drastic increase in the number of snowbirds filtering through the Valley this winter in comparison to the last few years. Pedata RV Center sells RVs with their full inventory available for viewing online 24 hours a day (class a, Class C, Class B, Fifth Wheel, etc). They also provide a wide variety of industry specific information to ensure that consumers in the market for an RV are aware of the various options and features available in the industry.