RVers tend to have an adventuresome spirit. At any given time, there’s a recreational vehicle owner somewhere trying something new. It might be a fried pickle at the Hills Café in Austin, Texas or it could be figuring out how to walk on water using an inflatable walk on water ball at an out of the way lake in Florida. For RVers looking to indulge their eccentric, adventurous side on a road trip through Arizona, there are plenty of stops to make along the way.
Read More »Slide Rock State Park is a favorite for locals and travelers alike due to the unique combination of hiking through the scenic desert and ending with a splash at the natural waterslides of Slide Rock State Park. The park was originally the Pendley Homestead, a 43-acre historic apple farm in Oak Creek Canyon. Frank L. Pendley arrived in the area in 1907 and acquired the land under the Homestead Act of 1910. Mr. Pendley established an innovative and unique irrigation system that is still in use at the park today. The Pendley homestead is one of only a few still left intact in the canyon and serves as a great example of early agricultural development in Arizona.
Read More »Off the Beaten Path in Arizona can mean experiencing a number of National Parks and Monuments. The most obvious of Arizona’s National Parks is the Grand Canyon National Park, but visitors to the Grand Canyon State should not check off the entire state after visiting the most popular travel destination. There is much more to see…off the beaten path.
Read More »Every seasoned traveler is suddenly all ears when they hear the phrase, “Don’t miss this.” This particular phrase usually comes out of the mouth of someone who has been in the area as a traveler or a resident and has specific info to share. It’s human nature. If someone enjoys a moment or an experience or a location, they want to share that memory. For some this means that they’ll post a Facebook status about how much they liked it. Others will conduct a photo shoot and slather the Internet with their experience through numerous photo hosting galleries, Instagram, Pinterest and other various photo-based social media sites. A different type of photographer may create a small photo album of photos for their own use. Many travelers will end up recording the experience in writing through blogging or traditional journaling. Regardless of the method of memory recording, there’s one thing that holds true for approximately 99% of the public and that is that they will share their experience vocally. Thus the universal awareness of what is to come when a fellow traveler starts off with, “Don’t miss this!”
Read More »Pedata RV Center expects to see positive response from RVers regarding 2012 GoRVing advertising campaign. The new campaign debuted at the National RV Trade Show on November 29, 2011. Pedata RV Center urges RV buyers to access the plethora of information available through the GoRVing website. The website offers helpful information on the following RV […]
Read More »One need that is acknowledged almost unanimously is the need for appropriate cleaning supplies. In general, humanity prefers to be clean. In today’s society that means accessing 3, 5, maybe even 12 or more specific cleansers from the nearest household goods store. Most purchase the necessary cleansers without questioning the costs, but the frugal RVer is going to stop and consider. They want to ensure that no unnecessary purchases are being made that will eat into their RV budget.
Read More »RVing is becoming more and more popular. Some very firmly insist it’s because it is the only way to maximize a limited vacation budget. Others argue that RVing provides the most versatile means of travel. Then there are those who insist that the RV is the only way to enjoy spontaneous travel while avoiding logistical issues like the lack of reservations for accommodations and last minute airfare hikes. Some simply respond to the discussion by saying it’s the best way to spend quality time with loved ones on a regular basis.
Read More »Previous articles in the series discussed how to keep your RV and the items stored inside the vehicle organized. Organized RVs allow travelers to maximize the “home on the road” potential of the recreational vehicle. Thorough organization can make a big difference both during trip preparation as well as during the actual travel, but the RV isn’t the only thing that needs to get organized. Now it’s time to focus on the RVer. No matter how organized the RV gets, the disorganization of the RVer can throw a big wrench into any trip.
Read More »If you read part one in the RVing Tips for the New Year series you probably already feel more organized, but you haven’t quite succeeded in accomplishing this New Year’s resolution just yet.
Read More »Pedata RV Center releases tips for incorporating technology on the road. The number of features and optional design elements available to RV buyers means that there’s always a model that can accommodate the technical needs of travelers. The RV is known for being versatile. This is one more aspect of the recreational vehicle’s versatility: it […]
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