Even if fulltime RVing is your life dream, every day life requires something besides a dream to in order to keep on the road. What can you do to make money while you are traveling? Creative road warriors have discovered a number of ways to stay solvent.
Internet Income
Some folks generate an income via the internet. There are many options as long as you have a computer, and a good internet connection. One possible income generator is e-Bay. Building web sites is another moneymaker.
There are telecommuting jobs for virtual office assistants and work at home opportunities like writing web content. A word of caution here: although there are legitimate work opportunities on the World Wide Web, there are likewise numerous scams. Be wise and investigate before you get involved. Never give a company money for the dubious privilege of working for them.
Hand Crafts make Money
People who have artistic gifts use them to create things to sell. Knitters, crochet aficionados, artists, photographers – all can use their gifts to make money. Almost anything you can do at home, you can adapt to do on the road.
Take your work on the road
Still other travelers spend part of the year in one place working. They may be campground hosts (called workamping), nurses or seasonal workers. Temp agencies can help sometimes, and there is a web site dedicated to helping RVers find work.
Working RVers have the best of two worlds. You shouldn’t let finances keep you from your RV dream.